Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude Challenge:Inspired by The one and only Emily Branca

Blogging is something i've contemplated on doing for awhile now, and I thought hmmm what a better way to start than starting with a challenge(I love challenges).  Emily Branca being one of the most inspiring/influential people in my life has now inspired me to take on this challenge, what do ya know huh?

Although, I'm starting 8 days late, so i guess i'll go 8 days longer;)...

I will be blogging a little everyday about something i'm thankful for in my life. 
Today i am thankful for friendship, seems plain and unoriginal... i know, but not this kind. The kind of friendship i'm talking about is how when you're spending time with that person your agendas are completely set aside, knowing that there is no other place you would rather be than with them at that moment hearing whats on their heart, or spilling out whats on yours. Friendship where the silent moments you have together speak louder than any words ever could. The type of friendships where you always know where you stand, you don't need to work for a place in their lives,their love and commitment to you is already evident. The type of friendship filled with a lot...A LOT of laughter.I love the simplicity of friendship.Some people are lucky to have just one friend that shows these incredible characteristics, but God has gone above and beyond and has provided me with more of these types of friendships than i even knew was ever possible for someone. Someone told me a couple years ago that when it comes to friends "quality is always better than quantity"- i believe in this strongly,but not only do i have great quality in my friendships,but also quantity...i'm blessed, SO Thankful for that. I have incredible people in my life who speak words of life into me everyday and remind me who i am,  how great i am, and how loved i am whether or not i believe that about myself at that time. I love how each friendship has it's own uniqueness to it.I trust that the lord speaks to them about me, and i love that. <3

Special Shout Out to (Jordyn,Niki,Emily,The Schwitt(Shelby),Danielle&Derrick,JD,Ian,Marty and Becky,Tina,Caitlin,Both Chelsea's,Shannon,Meghan,Kels,Ashtyn,Aaron and Sarah..and so many more)So thankful for you guys and the friendship we share.


  1. I love you, I love you, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt so honored to be mentioned in your blog! The truth is, you are SO incredible and I love every single second I get to spend with you. I catch myself every few days missing my Stirring family and especially you. I love our talks. You need to come visit SOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN!

  2. I found your blog! finally!! ummmmmmmm where's my shout out??;)
    love ya mack!:)

  3. SARAH i miss you.
    and oh i'll soon have a blog with your name as the subject you just wait girl!.

    Ash, i miss you two.I miss our walks.
    thank you for being an incredible listener and
    just an amazing person i'm blessed to know you.
    Especially to be able to call you a friend.
